While magic has been utilized and studied across Kios from the very first days that people began to walk along its surface there was no central organization that handled magic as it related to the Zhu until the beginning of the modern Zhu Empire. It's earliest incarnation was much more simple and was literally one school in which some of the Zhu prophets taught people the basics of magic and more select people were taught higher understanding and spells. From there it began to grow as more and people began to learn what many thought of as the correct way of magic, forming the foundation for the modern form as more and more people began to teach others over the generations. Over time various people were teaching what they had learned about magic all over the Empire creating a rather robust Magi caste.Eventually attempts were made centralize all this knowledge and ensure that everyone was learning the same principles and methods. Eventually these efforts formed the School of Magi a branch of the government focused in all things magic including education as well as military applications. While it has been updated and adapted to new theories and magics since then, it had always stayed the same at its core only changing the details and not its foundation regardless of who ran it or what theories were leading at the time.
The School of Magi is government run organization that is in charge of all things magical as they relate to the Empire. As its name suggests it 's primary function is running all the schools for Magi and all the classes in non magic schools that involve magic. One doesn't need their training to practice magic, but if you want to work in a magical field within the empire you have to be at least licensed by them. Any one teaching magic to non family members is required by law to pass the School of Magi teaching exam, and any course dealing with magic must be approved by them. Their schools have a reputation of being some of the best in the known Universe (only counting space faring races) and have much higher percentage of aliens and foreigners then the rest of the Empire. A fact that is also helped by their more accepting nature due to the dangers of untamed magic being greater than any nationalism they may hold.Outside of schools they are the primary source of funding for magical research, expeditions, new magic based technologies, and defensive barriers. They supply the military with battle magi, and normally are the ones supply royals with their Gakeouzu( not always though). Essentially if it's important and involves a magi or a lot of magic, it more than likely is the result of the School of Magi. Unless it's necromancy or demon summoning as such things are outlawed.
Trainee: Self explanatory, still in the basic training.Rank 2: Mastered or are very skilled in the basic concepts and is currently studying intermediate spells and classes. Qualified to be an assistant to any higher ranked Magi and to use magic in public areas or the work place.
Rank 3: An Intermediate level Magi, qualified enough for most magic related jobs. Such as teachers, Combat Magi, enchanter, magic maintenance person.
Rank 4: Someone who was at the top of their class in the studies, an Expert mage. If you plan on working in a lab and researching all the most potent and rare items you'll have to be a rank 4. Most of the more complex spells or permanent effects require rank 4.
Archmage: Master Magi; required to be the head of a school, grant ranks, Judge magic related crimes.
Highmage: Reserved for the most powerful and influential magi around. They are the highest authorities within the school and tend to be Military Veterans as well. Can only be disciplined by two other Highmages or a high ranker Government official in general.