
Friday, December 19, 2014

Rani Bio

Art by Henry

Rani Ibeshi is the daughter of legendary warrior and Imperial retainer Dokura Ibeshi, as such she was born into the high caste society and specifically spent her whole life around nobility.  Very early on it was decided she was be like her mother and be the retainer for Princess Aya, everyone expecting her to live up to the job and be great example of such an important and honorable role.  She was a little rough as a child but everyone assumed it was just natural energy from her father, but as she grew it became clear she was far from the perfect woman they expected.  She was violent, loud, foul mouthed, and all around thuggish.  She was nothing like her mother outside of both of them being skilled at fighting, and most people regarded her as yet another delinquent or hoodlum.  But she never does things that are overtly criminal, with most of her violence being directed towards other troublemakers and her high borne status and Imperial connections give her more leeway then the average citizen anyway. A lot of things get said about her, people on all levels of society speaking ill of her and even her mother is concerned with the person she became; but despite that there is one thing that is agreed on.  She is a great fighter and she always is there for the Princess when needed; she may not be the woman everyone wanted, but she is a good retainer and friend to Aya.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rani Concept

For Rani I knew I needed someone that was one of the other Zhu races, to help show some of the diversity of the Empire. So an Ethera made the most sense for a bodyguard type character, a natural berserker with a notably different look from the others.  From that idea I merged the idea that each of the royals has a main retainer as well as wanting Dokura to have some more development so turned Rani into one of her children.  Taking elements from her initial storyline and my love of anime to create sort of a thuggish delinquent type character.  With all of that in mind the last thing was the design itself, which me and Henry tried to create something very different from the other characters to fit that if it wasn't for her bloodline she would be just another thug; the trouble making daughter of a well respected woman.  So taking inspiration from punk fashion and mixing it with a sort of anime bully look we got her outfit and hair.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cutscene Test 2


A cutscene test. Music is random and not actually in it.  No sound effects yet this was just a new version of a test featuring some assets for an actual comic style cutscene within my stuff.  

Xerin (species)

Sketch by

Native to the kingdom of Xerathis are the Zhu race known as Xerin. Outside of the Zhuni the Xerin are the most populous Zhu race within the Capital Kingdom. Appearance wise they look like Zhuni with fox ears and tails naturally growing on them, the tails ranging anywhere from 1 to 9 in number. With more tails being a sign of higher magic potential (3 Being the average 9 being very rare) and being one of the biggest status symbols among each other. Unlike the Zhuni who live as individuals and small family units, Xerin tend to be divided in much larger clans with all of their communities both in their own kingdom and within Zhu Shang Qiao being made up of people within the same or closely related clans. The clans that the royals come from is often a subject of heated debate among Xerin and can get ugly fast., and they will frequently go and try to speak to the Empress about how the certain clans shouldn't be allowed to.

Culturally they are very similar to Zhuni when it comes to how important Honor is to them but differ when it comes to their primary form of worship. Whereas for Zhuni it is discipline, for Xerin it is grace resulting in their major form of expression being not in the martial arts but in elaborate dances. Through these dances they activate their chi much how a Zhuni would with a stance, allowing them to manipulate their own and nearby energy as they do so. These dances range from forms of complex communication (Zhu Races can see more layers of the dance than other races) to ways of dueling, and when large numbers of them do certain dances they are known to directly alter the weather of their kingdom. This results in them mostly being support units in military situations, dancing from behind the front lines to aid the more directly combat minded Zhu in a battle. Their dances can easily be altered for battle though and many of the stronger ones are more than capable of channeling up waves of mystical energy and such. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

VN Menu update

Adjustment to the Menu UI. Still a draft version but I changed the color of the boxes and made it so when you mouse over when it changes more noticeably.  Obviously further adjustments will be done, just every now and then I go back and update the working version of them.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Aya pic 2


A different pic of Princess Aya by Henry in a different art style, mostly relevant due to showing more of the outfit as well as her blades.  Shows a nice amount of detail even if it isn't our preferred style.  I'll eventually right something about the swords specifically and post some weapon specific views.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Takuya Bio

By Henry

High Priestess Niang was always thought to be keeping things from the rest of the government, but no one was prepared to see just how many. The raid on her temple revealed hundreds of scrolls and evidence of secret experiments, many of which while not officially illegal would have been made so if it was known. But the one that sparked the whole investigation was the experiment that managed to escape: a young boy named Takuya.  Takuya selective breeding and experiments done on him from a fetus up until he escaped as a preteen, creating someone with so much magic floating through his body that he was partially a mana construct himself.  He managed to escape from the temple he was housed in during a chaotic battle between the priestesses and an enemy faction, and eventually ended up near the palace as the Empress was passing. 

Takuya's only knowledge of the Empress had come from Niang and the other priestesses at the temple, so when he came across her he  expected a fight. Instead the Empress saw what he was, and that he was hurt and went to help him up. Her guards were on edge but she stayed perfectly calm as she reached for his hand with a smile. Takuya looked up into the eyes of the most beautiful person he had ever seen, feeling a sense of caring and safety he didn't think possible. When he took her hand that day, his life changed forever. When his handler came demanding him back, the Empress defended him both out of wanting to know more and out of disgust from such things being kept from her. She fought and killed the handler before taking Takuya in for questioning. He explained what he was, and what he knew about their other experiments as well as what was planned for him in the future. He was given an offer he couldn't refuse, to stay in the palace and work for her against Niang. It was at that moment that he began to know what he now calls his real family, and he is forever grateful to Li Ling for giving him purpose and a home with her. Years later he still works for her with undying loyalty. Always ready to not only research for her to but to put his magical power to offensive use and kill those who would threaten his true mother, The Empress.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Takuya Concept

original sketch

redesign sketch, both by Henry

While I have a few mages now when i was first starting off I didn't really have much idea of what I wanted from a mage character, and also noticed I didn't have any real male characters. As I worked more on magic, Takuya slowly came to life. He was actually first a character in a random one off scene that was fixing some magic device, just to give some more flavor before randomly deciding he would be the first male I really brought to life.  The concept itself changed a few times from an older man from a different nation, until eventually being a local mage but without much detail. It wasn't until way later I decided to use him to explore some secret aspects of magical factions in the Empire and directly tie him with the Empress and her family.  That idea mostly stayed the same but it's been tweaked more for the game to make him closer to Aya's age and a full on adopted family member that had been with them for years.  Though he has changed into more of a pretty boy the tattoos have been consistent, sort of my take on a rune type deal with symbols of divine power carved into flesh to enhance certain forms of magic.  So now he's both a family member that allows me to look at males more, as well as explore things relating to magic as he is head mage of the Palace.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Old Empress and adviser pic

Art by Henry

An old pic of Empress Li Ling and her Adviser, one of the first pics did for me, back before the project was really a thing.  The adviser in the pic named Kreia will likely get a minor redesign or at least a touch up for the game.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fight Scene preview

I've already posted the cutscene test but this is a text less fight scene in the actual comic form.  Just to show people how they will all be drawn up. Of course these used the mainstay Henry along side my writing out the panels and stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kanak Sujah

Art by Henry
Kanak Sujah was a hunter in a small village on an isolated island, when a pirate attack destroyed his home he expected to die as well but fate had a different path in store for him.  An ancient phoenix spirit bonded to him in his final moments, restoring his body and granting him powers and martial arts skills beyond that of any mortal.  Wielding the cosmic flames themselves he erased the pirates from the world before leaving his ruined home, to travel the world and beyond.  Through the spirit he had gained knowledge of ancient fighting styles long forgotten from the world, and his body was reborn with every death stronger then before.  For decades he used his powers to spread peace, and grant the helpless the power to protect themselves and their homes.  As time went on though he often found peace rarely lasted more then a generation and those he helped often turned into the wicked themselves as years passed.  At first he didn't falter but with each of his deaths the doubt and anger grew within his new body, until after 100 years it consumed him.  He decided people didn't deserve the knowledge of war and combat, and together with a band of disillusioned heroes they decided they would remove the capability from the world by any means necessary.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Aya Li Qiao

Art by Henry

Princess Aya Li Qiao is the eldest daughter of Empress Li Ling Qiao and the heir to the Imperial throne.  Born for the sole purpose of one day replacing her mother, instead of a child out of love she has struggled with understanding her place from a young age. Her mother is very strict and constantly pushes for Aya to be better in everywhere and was never really there emotionally. Such a way of raising resulted in a young girl who always felt the only way to earn her mothers love to constantly prove herself. So she strives to learn and understand the political intricacies as well as mastering the family martial arts.  She has very little friends outside of her family and palace staff, any outside social interaction almost always being for the sole purpose of learning how to deal with people as a princess and sitting in on meetings regarding law or trade.  Most of her free-time is spent training instead of hanging out with others leading to a more introverted princess who rarely has the patience to really deal with those outside her circle and struggles to define herself beyond the fact that she is the daughter of a loved and feared Empress.

Aya Li Qiao Concept

Both By Henry

One of the protagonists of the second timeline is Aya Li Qiao, the daughter of the Empress and actually the first character I made.  The colored image on the right is her initial design with the sketch on the left her redesign for the current projects.  She was actually made for an online roleplay I was in and from there sort of made a setting around her and even a short story.  She was sort of based on wonder woman initially, a princess from a female dominated society with mystical artifacts to help her out  While some of that is still present, she mostly is her own thing now, more reflective of various martial arts stories I used to read and watch. When I started the VN it has been years since the initial design and so everyone involved has a more clear idea of how the setting looked, so she was remade with more setting appropriate style and more original hair style then before while still showing the original inspiration. In many ways the idea behind her is that of the young martial artist training for the long road of mastery, and dealing with the various enemies and trouble that is on that path.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cutscene test

As it says a test for a fight sequence with more dynamic feel

Friday, October 24, 2014

VN Menu 2

New design

The colored lights change color when the mouse is over them

Ko-Shin and Nan-Su (The Zuni Twins)

Art by Henry

Ko-Shin and Nan-Su are twin Zhuni sisters and the sole students/daughters of respected martial arts master Ban "Cannon Fist" Liao.  They have a rather unique mutation of being born twins, their dantian and their very souls became connected to the point that neither can access the full extent at the same time as the other.  While this isn't a problem or even noticeable while just moving around and being calm, the moment one gets excited or expresses any big emotion the other feels less.  If one becomes filled with an emotion or feeling to extreme levels the other becomes a passive body just following her sister around and maneuver based on base instinct if danger comes until she calms down.  Doing this also transfer recent thoughts and feelings to the other, allowing them to send messages across any distance without speaking and if only one closes her eyes she can see through her sister's.  Due this level of a bond they are extremely close and always right next to each other unless they are needed by their father in two places at once.  Building on their bond their father has trained them in a variation of his fighting style built to be used by two people at once, the two sisters fighting as extensions of the other with every movement chained and built on.  They are capable of switching offense and defense as needed with no noticeable communication with the other sister chaining an attack off of the block or parry right as it happens.

Much like their father they don't have real jobs, though they do have a house and land thanks to their wealthy mother instead they let her handle everything and travel around fighting people and training in their martial art.  Much like him they normally pay off debts and bills via beating up trouble makers and doing shows.  Their goal in life is to become a legendary martial arts hero that is spoken about for generations, and to that end they seek out anything and anyone related to martial arts and constantly enter tournaments.  Their father having successfully convinced several high ranking officials that his daughters were one person with a chi technique that splits them in two, allowing them to fight in single tournaments if they want to.  Where they often develop one sided rivalries with people of great skill or children of other masters swearing to overcome them and prove that their father is the greatest master no matter if the other side cares or not. 

Twins Concept

Art by Henry

So early on when decided to do a Visual Novel dealing with the Empress's daughter (who will get her own profile soon enough) I decided she needed some good teenage rivals as part of the cast of characters.  After thinking of things that fit the martial arts theme I chose a pair of characters that would be out to prove themselves at every turn.  Being two of them kept the challenge up and gave a real obstacle to showcase where she is and where she still has to go as a martial artist and their goal having to do with family fit well with hers of what she has to live up to.  After that we thought of ways to make interactions cool and decided twins would be the cutest choice and based their quirks and stuff off of that decision.  And so we got what are actually my favorite characters design wise.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Outfits part 4

Some more awesome Zhuni outfits by Sara and Gi (links are in the artist tab) for my various projects. The rest of  the Mid class Fu set

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

VN Menu

After messing with different looks and coding for a while, thinking this for sort of base UI for my Visual Novel

 In release it would be made to be prettier and stuff but I mean in placement and categories and stuff this would be the base.

Return would depending on the context either send you back to where you choose where to go or progress with a cutscene.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Outfits part 3

A few more awesome Zhuni outfits by Sara and Gi (links are in the artist tab) for my various projects

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dokura Ibeshi

Art by Henry

Xing Yi's most loyal follower and retainer, the woman known as Dokura is mostly an enigma to Zhu society. She is regarded as a hero and patriot but all records are very vague on her past with the only solid information being that she has followed the matriarch since she was a teenager.  Both a bodyguard and an assassin she puts her all into serving the Imperial family and doing what she can to ensure that Xing Yi is safe and her will is carried out.  A sense of duty and tradition that she tries very hard to pass on to her own teenage daughter to mixed success.  On the surface she maintains a strong presence and unwavering confidence and loyalty but beneath it she has her own set of issues. A daughter that forsakes tradition being at the top of her list, but there is also a creeping sense of doubt in regards to her Matriarch as she begins to wonder if Xing Yi is losing her way and becoming something other than the woman she'd give her life for. She had also been a symbol of Zhu strength and loyalty, and the problems she is starting to face may be signs of what is happening to her society as a whole.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hirara Bio

Art by Henry

Hirara is an anomaly, not a single person alive knows where she came from or has any memory of her being a child or even when she first appeared.  There are no records of her family or any jobs she held in the past.  All people know is that she tends to show up wherever large scale events happen, always offering her assistance for whatever is going on.  Outside of that it was more likely for people to encounter her at random, the woman seemingly walking towards and unknown destination always willing to help out anyone she meets along the way or at least talk to them.   While always known, Hirara reached Empire wide fame after effortlessly beating several high profile martial arts masters who challenged her to a duel over what they saw as a slight against them.  Her combat prowess soon being what she was most known for as people from all over the universe came to either fight her or to try and learn from her, very few actually being taken as students (most notable of which is Xing Yi)

Nowadays Hirara can be found hanging around the Heaven's Gate monastery as an unofficial monk of discipline, but she still wanders about from time to time and is always willing to speak to and assist people.  Although her and Xing Yi apparently had a falling out there has been no government decree against her, and the rulers who followed the Matriarch have all held a great respect for Hirara and used her insight on many occasions. While she is respected there are many who worry about what her knowledge may cause, fear that she may cause them to be an early target of the System or that she may attempt to control the strings of future herself.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Outfits part 2

A few more awesome Zhuni outfits by Sara and Gi (links are in the artist tab) for my various projects

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Matriarch Xing Yi Qiao

By Henry

Years of studying with a shady mentor, and dealing with personal tragedy has brought changes in the once idealistic and eager princess.  When she became Empress she was much harsher than people expected,  her rule cold and deadly while still ensuring the prosperity of her people, often at the cost of several others.  The typical mostly hands off approach was gone, replaced with what many referred to as the iron fist of progress.  She soon became one of the most feared leaders on several worlds, a war criminal and heartless tyrant to seem a beacon of hope and restoring former glory to others.  While her presence was everywhere in her reign, what she actually did outsides of policies and punishments is unknown to the majority of people. But she would frequently vanish for a while leaving her followers to simply follower directions laid out, as soon as her daughter became of age she left the Empire for over a decade with no sightings.  Only returned after her granddaughter began to go through training, and leaving once more (with the granddaughter) when the then current Empress died.  Now in present day she sort of just floats in and out, rumors about her personally dealing with those who know too much or she holds a grudge against. Despite being retired she holds a lot of influence and many remain loyal to her and many believe that she may still secretly run the Empire and that Empress Li Hua could be merely a puppet following her grandmothers commands. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rich Neighborhood

A recent concept of a building within the wealthier part of a Zhu city, and the neighborhood around it.

Done by

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Old Royal pic

An Old image I found on my computer of the Empress and her daughter Aya Li Qiao. It's outdated as aya was redesigned but I still like it.

Lines by


The Qizhou are the primary form of law enforcement in the Zhu Empire.  These men and woman can be found  in large numbers within every city, and smaller outputs out nearby more rural areas so they can patrol villages.   They are highly valued members of society that can be from any background, giving an effective way to bringing one's family honor if they are willing to go through the training.  Though they are loved by the Zhu people, immigrants are sometimes not as comfortable around them due to the very few regulations and oversight of the organization, allowing them to pretty much enforce law as they see fit.


Qizhou don't have any real uniform that they have to wear, the closest thing would be the blue metal masks that low level warriors have to wear.  Once beyond the entry level positions Qizhou can wear pretty much whatever they want to, normally in line with their own abilities and attributes.  The only thing they all must have is the Qizhou symbol somewhere visible on their armor, clothing, or body whenever they are on duty.  Those that want armor have it supplied to them by the government, a generic suit at first but as they move up armor will be custom made for them to their needs.  Alternatively one can pay for their own armor if they have a more trusted smith or simply want something harder to get.  Either way as long as it has the symbol, it can be made from anything or look any which way they chose.

For weaponry the standard weapons are a form of spear with chi enhanced tip and metal pole, or a simple short sword with chi augmented edge.  They are all equipped with a small set of chains that turn into energy shackles for quick arrests, an average Qizhou carrying 3-5 on them to arrest multiple people in one patrol.  As they move up in rank they get more unique and devastating weaponry, some beginning to specialize in ranged equipment of both lethal and non lethal means.  Some also specialize in more trapping based equipment over actually fighting the criminals they are after.   Outside of that they carry specially crafted Zy-Karos that broadcast to all other Qizhou in their direct station, and normally have specially augmented shoes to allow them to run faster and longer.


The Qizhou carry out the will of the law in Zhu society, from street level crime to corruption in companies and people of power.   They operate as a well oiled machine with various different departments and positions working together to reduce, stop, and solve various crimes that go on every day.  There are the warriors who patrol the streets and respond to reports which tend to be the people most seen and  thought about  when Qizhou are brought up.  Within the stations are people who handle the reports and negotiations with various groups who either need help or want a reduced sentence/punishment.  There are more heavily armed and powerful units of Qizhou who handle raids and serious threats to society, such as holding off hostile forces until military aid can arrive.  There are various detectives and magi who specialize in figuring things out, such as who a criminal was, and how exactly someone died.  Smiths employed to forge the equipment along with old warriors to train the recruits.  And of course various leaders who run the local stations and assign everything. 

When a report is given the Qizhou normally send someone to investigate, a warrior if it's still going on and a detective if it's an older crime.  If a criminal is found on the spot the Qizhou can do whatever they personally deem necessary to bring them in, and can kill them if they chose to, assuming it's a violent criminal.  They don't find one a case is opened where depending on the priority the leader will set up a certain amount of people to search through various ways of finding the criminal, generally speaking they can search anyone or any place or bring in any person for questioning simply because they think it will help and need no form of review or consul beyond asking their commander if the person is protected.  In all but the most extreme cases the Qizhou themselves set up what a criminals punishment will be and operate the prisons and talks with servant agencies themselves, acts of high level terrorism and magic based crime are handled by Royals and School of Magi accordingly. 

While some outsiders view such aggressive power as uncomfortable most Zhu are fine with it, being a society that is quick to handle their problems any way they can.  The Qizhou are regarded as heroes and given respect all through Zhu, from free food and services, to the unmarried men and women receiving dozens of marriage offers.  The few years of training needed makes it a very attractive looking career path but the dangerous nature means less actually stay then would like to, as they openly get into fights to the death with various killers, gangs, and cults.  Regardless successful Qizhou are important members of the community and the commanders are considered high ranking government officials in their own right giving them the authority to change or completely overturn sentences as long as they get at least two other commanders to agree, regardless of who the criminal was (unless a Royal family member overrules it).

The Kougari

Beneath the surface(One could say the entire Crust) of Kios exists a place known as the Dark Realm, a forever separate yet connected world beneath what most people call Kios. Drawing it's named from the sky only alternating between dark gray and dark red, this world within a world is the source of all dark energy and black magic within Kios. Like most realms it has its own ecosystem full of unique plants and animals dotting it's jagged landscape. Most importantly however are the intelligent life forms that evolved there. As in known with Kios, energy only can build up for so long before it ends up changing form. In the Dark Realm that energy became Kougari (closest translation would be demon).

In the ancient days of Kios, the buildup energy began to draw in thoughts from the realm above, the powerful emotions reacting with it and forming the ancient Kougari lords of old. Hungering Kiku-Tunka, Bahu of Shadow, Lunkr of Filth, Painful Cen Hup, and Rageborn Ri-Sun. These ancient demons were masters of their realm, soon spreading out to the other parts of Kios and making their mark known. They were still new to life, obsessed with bringing their bodies and minds newfound pleasure driven by impulse and little more. They spread untold destruction across all planes of Kios, until one by one they were forced back into the dark Realm with Kiku-Tunka and Cen Hup being sealed between realms in a state between life and death. When they returned those things were different, there were other Kougari now, weaker yet more complex ones, it had became a species. With very rarely ones like them forming from individuals drawing in so much magic over time and becoming a unique entity.

The Kougari are a collection of intelligent life forms formed from the dark energy of the world, while they had roots in random formation they are now creatures in every sense of the word reproducing through sex and needing "food" to survive. They lack any form of true society their species too diverse for its own good as they have thousands of variations with vast differences; most preferring to live in packs of their own kind so they can focus on fulfilling their desires. Every now and then individuals crop up who want to forge more but all attempts fail, or only last for either short term of small groups normally resulting in the more social Kougari to move into Raiki cities and live among them.

The countless variations normally saw their genesis in a reflection of a fear or thought from the surface, creating things such as succubi/incubi, rage beasts, love demons, fear feasters, etc. As such many feed on raw emotion, ideas, and concepts instead of actual physical meals although many are capable of doing so. Their natural connection to the energy that forms their realm allows them easier access to the other realms much like their ancestors before them, making their primary hunting ground against the races that live on the surface. Their hunts shaping the various species as great enemies of the majority of intelligent life living above them, the Kougari themselves having no organized view on other creatures and simply hunting them because it was fun and useful to them some actually liking them.

They have a rather unusual biology in the sense that the magic within them allows them to breed either any life form no matter how radically different from them. If it can reproduce sexually they can impregnate it or be impregnated by it, the Kougari normally taking said creature back into the dark realm with them making it not an uncommon sight to see non demons or Raiki amongst Kougari packs or settlements but such are normally slaves or toys, and only rarely are they there out of love. Mixed children with the Kougari are always Kougari but possesses traits from whatever the other parent species is ones that happen a lot becoming their own sub races over time.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dokura Ibeshi Concept

By Henry

The idea behind this character actually goes back several projects and many iterations, but I'm going to focus on the idea behind the final version.  I decided to work with the idea of retainers for the Imperial family and decided each member would have their own head retainer/body guard normally one that mixes with their own style and personality.  These individuals would often be picked at an earlier age by older family members based on their chi potential and trained to cover the perceived weaknesses of the royal they would guard.  They would be conditioned to be loyal to them, often to the point of love to ensure that they would protect them at all costs and always try to keep them happy.  The last part is the biggest reason for Dokura, a character that loves her master so much that even when her master seems to have lost her way she will aid her darker plans.  She was made to be sort of a side kick role in the 1st timeline, and sort of a reluctant antagonist/frenemy in the 2nd.   The claws are there just because I've loved them as martial arts weapons ever since I played dynasty warriors as a child.

Thursday, May 29, 2014



The primary and most common job regarding the religion is the all-female staff that are the public's guide and aid to the faith.  They are government employees that work at the temples closest to their home, aiding in prayer, teaching religious tales and lessons, group meditation, consoling,  as well as more specialized tasks of dealing with spirits and demons, and protecting people they care for.  Priestess are required to always be willing to help those who are in need, and if a dishonorable person seeks redemption they are required to aid them in the task and speak on their behalf in regards to any trouble they've got in.  This isn't a get out of jail free card for the criminal since the priestess has to actually believe they want to change, and even then it only reduces the sentence and not actually removes it all together.  They are well respected in the community and serve as sort of community mother and big sister figures to many people of all ages for how much they assist others and their warm friendly attitude.

To become a priestess one has to go through a year of classes which take place every day at the temple, and once they prove they have learned the basics and concepts they are made a priestess in training where they shadow a more experienced Priestess for several years learning more and more of the practices as well privately studying with them to ensure they become as dedicated and understanding as the job requires.  As time goes on they are allowed to do more and more things on their own until they are allowed to take a final test to prove they are ready.  The test involves memorization of several legends and holy texts, at least a basic understanding of how to do magic, consoling a person in need while the Head Priestess observes, explaining how the Tenets of Faith apply to  them on a personal level, and the sacrifice of their great accomplishment (if it's not a physical object then a symbolic sacrifice of it) on an altar to the Great Mother.  


The Caretakers are the most common form of Priestess, and the one most people think of when they hear the word or think of temples.   Serving as the face of the religion these women can be found in the temples all day, the younger members of the order actually living inside of them.  During their 12-18 hour shifts they walk around the complex praying, meditating, and maintaining the building as they wait for people to enter.  If the day is slow they will send a few of the women out into the streets in order to help random people with their daily tasks or anyone they notice is in need.  When people are there they lead in group meditation, personal prayers, and tell stories of the faith to children. They are who Zhu confess too when it comes to being dishonorable and they serve as counselors for various trouble for life, ranging from marriage issues to business deals.  They are obligated to help anyone regardless of who or what they are, and are the people who talk on behalf of prisoners to get reduced sentences or second chances.  They feed and provide blankets for the homeless every day, often bringing the younger ones and letting them sleep in the temple. 


Galeizou tend to have their own buildings, but they are often smaller additions to an existing temple or the top floor of a particular large one.  They serve as a form of healer for the spiritual ailments, though they do have a moderate degree of skill in physical healing as well.  They don't have specific shifts such as caretakers most of them instead being on call, with one or two left in the building to document the needed cases.  When they are told about a spiritual issue such as possession, a mystical curse, or in some cases malevolent spirits lurking around they quickly assign someone to go and look into it.  While there they will uses their various magical and specially attuned chi to deal with the threat or ailment, often carrying a spell book of sorts with them though more experiences Galeizou end up memorizing the entire book and creating their own methods.  At least once a year every Galeizou is required to do a pilgrimage across the entire kingdom that they live in, walking across the landmasses and helping everyone and everything they come across with spiritual issues.  This period is also treated as a time to seek out spirits that lurk in the outskirts of settlements and deal with them. 


Slayers tend to have their area in the basement of temples, the floor normally filled with training equipment as well as various texts for them to look into.  They are known as Slayers because it is their job to deal with the more "earthly" plane of magic, them combating demons  and monsters instead of just raw spirits like their sisters.  They use magic but it is normally either to enhance their equipment or to summon benevolent allies, their primary fighting method utilizing chi attuned to the needed energy signature for the threat.  Their job is equal parts preparation as it is actual fighting, them spending countless hours researching the threat and fine tuning their traps and equipment before actually engaging and enemy.  While small ones can be dealt with by a single slayer, most creatures are attacked with a group and through planning, scouts constantly on the lookout for new ones and listening to every report they come across.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

A Piece of Folklore

This is a piece of In-universe folklore written by a friend/contributor to the projects by the name of Jonathan Duckworth. There will be a couple of these over time to help give a look at the sort of stories that inspire the people within the setting. 

The Tale of the Two Fisherwomen and the Unlung

(A Lesson for Children)

The tribals tell a story that may be of edification for the children of the empire. The story goes that on a lesser island that has long since been swallowed up by the ages and the sea’s foam, there lived two fisherwomen. Their names were Lumang and Kunang. Kunang was short and boisterous and let her hair, which should have been quite beautiful, turn to knots, while Lumang was tall, soft-spoken, and sad eyed. She kept her hair oiled and tied neatly. From childhood they fished together, they built their huts next to one another, and even married a pair of brothers so that they would not be apart when living every third moon with their in-laws, as was the custom of this island. They lived a simple but happy life. The reefs around the island were blessed with bountiful fish, and for many generations hunger was unknown to its people. But all this changed one year when Lumang and Kunang were young women—an exceptionally long Sa came to pass, ripping the clouds from the sky as one sweeps away cobwebs. For many moons the reefs were always plunged in light, and the fish were driven mad by the constant trailing on of their own shadows, and too frightened in the clear water of predators to even eat. So the fish deserted the reefs, and the people began to starve.

At this point it should be said that she was lazy and her chi weak, Kunang was a clever young woman. There was a spring on the island—a sacred spring from which the islanders derived the greatest share of their drinking water. The spring was guarded by a spirit called an Unlung, a creature not quite of Kios but also not quite of The Dark Realm, born instead in one of the deep wells that exist on the edge of The Dark Realm . The Unlung was a dangerous but fair creature, allowing the islanders to take water from her spring provided they paid the proper respects, only taking as much water as they needed in specially-blessed sea-shells and never touching the water with anything else, or the Unlung would eat their Chi and leave the husks as warnings to others. But even knowing this, Kunang suggested that she and Lumang fish from the spring.

This is foolishness, sister-mine,” Lumang said. “Everyone knows that the Unlung guards that spring and will not allow anything but a shell to enter it. If we were to put our hooks down—”

I have already thought of that,” Kunang said, “It is said that the Unlung will only allow us to dip our shells in the water to take that which we need to sustain us. I see no reason why we cannot take fish as well as water, for that is what we need to sustain us now.”

But how will we take fish from the spring with a shell?” Lumang asked.

Kunang explained her plan, which Lumang accepted, for Lumang was too hungry to argue with her friend’s cleverness. First they found the widest, deepest shell they could in one of the reefs and then had it blessed by the island’s priestesses. Once this was accomplished, Kunang weaved a line from the reef-spider webs—a strong material, but so thin that is almost invisible, thus the Unlung would not notice it—and with the shell and the webbing made a tool something like a bucket-and-rope in a poor farm’s well.

So we have this contraption—but the fish will not bother with it without bait, and we cannot put bait into the water without angering the Unlung,” said Lumang.

But even here Kunang had a plan. She waited by the spring for the salamanders to come onto the banks to sun themselves and recharge the fire in their throats, and once they were on the banks she captured several of them and chopped off their tails, tying the tails to the shell with more spider line so that they would not drift away when put in the water.

These salamanders and their chi are native to the spring—the Unlung will not notice the difference,” she explained.

Now came the last part of the plan: Lumang’s part. Lumang, tall and strong in body and chi, operated the shell and line, dropping it into the spring, waiting for the fish to smell the salamander tails and then, once the fish had started to nibble, pulling it up with such force and speed that the fish would be dragged out of the water and thrown to the shore. The plan worked. Thanks to Kunang’s cleverness and Lumang’s strength, the pair caught no less than ten fish in an hour, each one longer and heavier than the last.

That’s enough, we have enough fish for a week now,” said Lumang. “Longer if we crush the bones into flour.”

But Kunang was too excited. “Enough for us, perhaps. But what of the rest of the island? Think of it, Lumang, we could feed everyone—they’d all be in our debt; we could be the queens of the island!”
And though Lumang felt great trepidation in her breast, she also desired to feed her family and her neighbors and so continued. Five more fish were dredged up by her mighty arms, but then came the sixteenth fish. This one was so large that it swallowed the shell, and when Lumang pulled it pulled back, dragging Lumang into the water. Kunang watched from the banks as Lumang disappeared, horrified that her friend was gone.
But the bubbles kept coming up. Then blood started to rise, staining the pristine surface of the spring. Lumang’s beautifully oiled hair breached the water. She was dragging up the dead fish—a fish almost twice her body’s length, so large that one would wonder how it could fit in such a small spring—by its tail, while clenching her bloody stone knife in her teeth.

They’ll sing songs of you, Lumang!” Kunang cheered, kissing her friend on her lips, concerned not one bit over the taste of fish blood that covered every inch of her now.

For a moment, Lumang’s sad eyes became happy, like two perfectly carved pieces of blue coral in the sunlight.

But Kunang’s cheering turned to screaming, and then the screaming died too. Rising from the spring water, coming to tower over the fisherwomen was the Unlung.
She was fearsome and beautiful, pale as a fish’s belly. Instead of legs she had a long, scaly tail like a serpent’s. She had five eyes—two on each side of her egg-shaped head and a big, burning one at the center—, six breasts, and too many arms to count. The arms started were a person’s arms would be, but more arms grew along her side, becoming increasingly smaller until by the fifteenth row one could hardly distinguish the arms from little white hairs. When she spoke, she spoke with the voice of a woman underwater, and so it was difficult at first for the fisherwomen to understand her. The fisherwomen put water in their ears, and then they understood her perfectly.

You have committed a great sin,” the Unlung said. The fisherwomen tried to speak, but the Unlung waved her thousand hands and they fell silent. She picked up Kunang’s device and inspected it. “Very clever,” she said. And even now, even frightened close to death, Kunang felt pride at this compliment. “Who crafted this?” she asked.

Kunang had a chance to accept her responsibility, but she was too frightened to speak. But Lumang, being the braver of the two, spoke up. “It was my fashioning, Great One.”

The Unlung did not believe her. “You? No, I sense no cleverness in you. Are you sure it was not your friend?”

Now Kunang had a second chance to do what was right, but still she was too afraid and Lumang spoke up for her.

I’m the clever one, Great One, it was my folly that despoiled your spring. And besides, I touched the water, not her.”

The Unlung knew better, but she was awed by Lumang’s bravery and loyalty to her friend, however misplaced it may have seemed.

I will give both of you the chance to beg for your lives,” she told them. “But only one may keep their life, while the other will be paid with death.”

Now Lumang was silent. She had no interest in begging for her life, and she would rather die than live without her friend Kunang. But Kunang was different. Kunang was quick to jump on the chance of saving her life, and so supplicated herself before the Unlung. Kunang did not have time to even cry out a farewell to Lumang before the Unlung descended on her, plunging her long tongue through Lumang’s navel and sucking out her chi as a woman sucks the juice from a fruit. She ate Lumang’s flesh and bones and hair, leaving only a shriveled skin. Kunang wept, horrified that her friend was gone and would not even pass on to the Sea of Chi. She prepared to run from the spring, but the Unlung held her there.

I did not speak idly when I said one of you would be paid with death,” the creature said, pinning Lumang’s husk to Kunang’s back as if it were a cape. “Through my belly is direct passage to the Sea of Chi, your friend will be happy. But you—you must live with what you have done. You will walk throughout this island with your friend’s skin on your back. Everyone will see you and know that you have let your friend die, that you are a coward without honor.”

And so the Unlung sent Kunang off. Kunang’s husband would not touch her anymore. Her parents would not speak with her. When the fish eventually returned to the reefs, they would not even nibble Kunang’s hook. So it passed that a woman who dreamed of being queen of the island became its lowest outcast. She survived on tree roots and rainwater and the charity of strangers. As she grew older, the skin on her back seemed to grow longer and heavier. There came a time when the skin came to outweigh Kunang herself, and she could no longer move. Pinned, unloved, and broken, Kunang looked up to the sky. It was Fu now, a very severe Fu indeed, and the rain started to fall. She opened her mouth to the rain and let it fill her, now longing for death. But when death came, the weight of the skin held her chi in her body, keeping her far from the Sea of Chi and her friend, Lumang. Even after the island sank below the water, it’s said—by the tribals of the lesser islands—that Kunang still exists somewhere deep in the sea, lost to honor but perhaps not to mercy, for there may come a day when Lumang, eternal friend, comes to collect her. Or so the tribals say. Wise children should know that Kunang would not have to wait if she’d done the right thing in the first place.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Visual Novel test

So decided to push forward with the visual novel idea to sort of set up the lore and the setting, while taking a break from the much more time consuming game project.  Just a martial arts themed tale focusing on the later generation of the Imperial family, showing what the world is like in current times.

A screen shot from a test of mine on the look.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Phoenix Warriors

Art by Henry

Normally I'd put the concept for this specific character, but instead I'll put the in universe explanation of the group he represents in his appearances

Northern Spirit- Vesta
Southern Spirit - Kon'Shu
Western Spirit - Ralvir
Eastern Spirit- Loc'Tun

In the Early days of the universe, when Kios formed from the ambient energy between the various planes of existence 4 spirits were birthed from the left over energy. The spirits were birthed in the form of massive bird like creatures of spiritual fire, these forms soaring across the various planes of existence for millions of years, watching over the state of affairs and seeing how things were meant to be. Over time things began to change, various life forms began to form all throughout the realms and those life forms attracted those who sought to end the balance. Beings from beyond sought to disrupt it, and various creatures from within sought to control or end it. The spirits were powerful in their home realms but had little influence outside, yet they all knew they had to uphold their duty of protecting the balance somehow. To solve this they each sought out a life form on or near the planet Kios, each having their own reasons for who they chose. They gave these beings power and the freedom to use it as they pleased as long as they became their avatars and defended the various planes from all who threatened the delicate cosmic balance.

The spirits each take up residence in a different sector of the planet's spirit realm watching over the various planes that intersect with that sector and sending any needed information to their avatar. How they communicate various from spirit to spirit, as does their criteria for choosing an avatar two things that have been shaped by their various experiences over their infinite life span.

Each Avatar is transformed into a new life form that straddles the line between the various planes, them gaining the ability to step into other realms and dimensions as needed, their bodies components changing if needed. They are given intimate knowledge of an ancient fighting art crafted by the spirits, and a superhuman body to match it. They all have a natural attunement to flames of the soul, a fire that burns both the body and the spirit as its user wishes. The specifics of the fires look and other uses vary from avatar to avatar, normally based on the persons mental state. The most notable gift each avatar is given, is the gift of immortality they become immune to age and illness and will regenerate from any fatal wound (no matter how extensive), slightly more powerful than before. All avatars hold the memories and experience of all previous avatars of their particular spirit.

Despite this they don't last forever, every so many years the spirits fight their avatars in order to test if they are still worthy. Every time the spirit loses it returns multiple times stronger than before forcing the avatar to constantly improve, the moment they don't is the end of their service as they are defeated and stripped of their powers allowed to live out the rest of their days as a normal person or be killed if they seek a warriors death. One can also willingly give up their powers but such a thing is very rare

Outfits part 1

A few Awesome Zhuni outfits by Sara and Gi for my various projects