
Sunday, July 6, 2014


The Qizhou are the primary form of law enforcement in the Zhu Empire.  These men and woman can be found  in large numbers within every city, and smaller outputs out nearby more rural areas so they can patrol villages.   They are highly valued members of society that can be from any background, giving an effective way to bringing one's family honor if they are willing to go through the training.  Though they are loved by the Zhu people, immigrants are sometimes not as comfortable around them due to the very few regulations and oversight of the organization, allowing them to pretty much enforce law as they see fit.


Qizhou don't have any real uniform that they have to wear, the closest thing would be the blue metal masks that low level warriors have to wear.  Once beyond the entry level positions Qizhou can wear pretty much whatever they want to, normally in line with their own abilities and attributes.  The only thing they all must have is the Qizhou symbol somewhere visible on their armor, clothing, or body whenever they are on duty.  Those that want armor have it supplied to them by the government, a generic suit at first but as they move up armor will be custom made for them to their needs.  Alternatively one can pay for their own armor if they have a more trusted smith or simply want something harder to get.  Either way as long as it has the symbol, it can be made from anything or look any which way they chose.

For weaponry the standard weapons are a form of spear with chi enhanced tip and metal pole, or a simple short sword with chi augmented edge.  They are all equipped with a small set of chains that turn into energy shackles for quick arrests, an average Qizhou carrying 3-5 on them to arrest multiple people in one patrol.  As they move up in rank they get more unique and devastating weaponry, some beginning to specialize in ranged equipment of both lethal and non lethal means.  Some also specialize in more trapping based equipment over actually fighting the criminals they are after.   Outside of that they carry specially crafted Zy-Karos that broadcast to all other Qizhou in their direct station, and normally have specially augmented shoes to allow them to run faster and longer.


The Qizhou carry out the will of the law in Zhu society, from street level crime to corruption in companies and people of power.   They operate as a well oiled machine with various different departments and positions working together to reduce, stop, and solve various crimes that go on every day.  There are the warriors who patrol the streets and respond to reports which tend to be the people most seen and  thought about  when Qizhou are brought up.  Within the stations are people who handle the reports and negotiations with various groups who either need help or want a reduced sentence/punishment.  There are more heavily armed and powerful units of Qizhou who handle raids and serious threats to society, such as holding off hostile forces until military aid can arrive.  There are various detectives and magi who specialize in figuring things out, such as who a criminal was, and how exactly someone died.  Smiths employed to forge the equipment along with old warriors to train the recruits.  And of course various leaders who run the local stations and assign everything. 

When a report is given the Qizhou normally send someone to investigate, a warrior if it's still going on and a detective if it's an older crime.  If a criminal is found on the spot the Qizhou can do whatever they personally deem necessary to bring them in, and can kill them if they chose to, assuming it's a violent criminal.  They don't find one a case is opened where depending on the priority the leader will set up a certain amount of people to search through various ways of finding the criminal, generally speaking they can search anyone or any place or bring in any person for questioning simply because they think it will help and need no form of review or consul beyond asking their commander if the person is protected.  In all but the most extreme cases the Qizhou themselves set up what a criminals punishment will be and operate the prisons and talks with servant agencies themselves, acts of high level terrorism and magic based crime are handled by Royals and School of Magi accordingly. 

While some outsiders view such aggressive power as uncomfortable most Zhu are fine with it, being a society that is quick to handle their problems any way they can.  The Qizhou are regarded as heroes and given respect all through Zhu, from free food and services, to the unmarried men and women receiving dozens of marriage offers.  The few years of training needed makes it a very attractive looking career path but the dangerous nature means less actually stay then would like to, as they openly get into fights to the death with various killers, gangs, and cults.  Regardless successful Qizhou are important members of the community and the commanders are considered high ranking government officials in their own right giving them the authority to change or completely overturn sentences as long as they get at least two other commanders to agree, regardless of who the criminal was (unless a Royal family member overrules it).

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